Full Moon in Capricorn
Yesterday I wrote a bit about how the Full Moon in Capricorn provides us with an opportunity to overcome bad/stressed/frustrated feelings in […]
Yesterday I wrote a bit about how the Full Moon in Capricorn provides us with an opportunity to overcome bad/stressed/frustrated feelings in […]
When I was an undergrad at dance school, most of the boy dancers would really claim their confidence. Many of the boys […]
You see a bunch of psychics and they all tell you you’ll get the thing you want and then… you don’t. Every […]
Why don’t those high school career aptitude tests have any option for professional witch? Do you: Love mythology, folk and fairy tales? […]
Morrissey wasn’t wrong when he said, “We hate it when our friends become successful.” I don’t think there’s a creative person alive […]
Many artists create themselves. We are born middle class, or broke. We don’t choose our nationality, our gender or our race. Even […]
Have you ever noticed how basically everything womxn like is cool? Go to a dance class… mostly womxn. Yoga? Womxn again. Art […]
Full Moon in Leo + Eclipse asks you: “How can you overcome the material circumstances obstructing the full expression of your creativity?” […]
A good reading should leave you feeling empowered, clear about a course of action, and more in touch with the strength and love that makes up your true nature.