What is the Oracle of Los Angeles?


An Oracle is defined as a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom the divine speaks. Of course, “Voice of the Divine” is quite a hefty title to live up to. In reality though, the divine speaks to everyone, the divine IS everyone, and everything, in our interconnected, infinite, majestically mysterious universe. Nature is magic. Nature is EVERYTHING. However, because we’re socially conditioned to experience reality in a particular way, it’s very difficult to turn off that conditioning when we want to connect back to the universal consciousness. Obviously, we can’t live in a state of ecstasy. Who would make dinner? Who would pay rent? But there’s so much more to life than what we ordinarily experience, and when we lose contact with magic the result is often misery.

Connecting consciously to the realm of the spirit, that place where the magic happens and where inspiration comes from, takes concentration, persistence, and most of all, practice — all of which take time. Most of us are too busy working, shopping, sitting in traffic, attending meetings, and haggling with Verizon or whoever to stay focused on maintaining a strong connection to Spirit. In many cases, it can be helpful to have a guide, someone who devotes themselves to keeping a clear channel. That’s where oracles, sages, mystics, shamans and other spirit workers come in. Those of us who are responsible and on the up and up want to be your ally. For me, being your ally means tapping into the Universal Consciousness, delivering messages that help you achieve unity, harmony, and balance, and ultimately, helping you form a powerful connection to that spirit on your own.

I’ve been practicing magic and the art of tarot for over 20 years. As a spirit worker, my aim is to help you experience liberation, empowerment, and live up to your full potential. I do this by performing personal tarot readings, oracular readings at events, leading shamanic and Wiccan ceremonies, and working with you to create spells and rituals to suit your needs. To find out more about what I can offer you, check out the services tab on the menu bar above.

Magic is your birthright. You don’t have to take my word for it. My ultimate goal is that you experience it and connect with the great reality on your own. And then we all join together, all of us magical beings, and deliver the world back into its rightful state of harmony and grace. Sound good?

Together we can create more magical and beautiful world.

To find out more about me and my practice as an oracle, click here.