When I was an undergrad at dance school, most of the boy dancers would really claim their confidence.
Many of the boys could barely turn a pirouette or point their foot and still they’d get out on the floor to do their combinations all like, “Watch this!”
At the same time, often girl dancers with years more experience, able to turn five pirouettes without batting an eye, would mutter about their own imperfections, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.
Of course, the boy’s confidence really did help them improve as dancers. That certainty that they were worthy and capable went a long way. Whereas some of the most talented female dancers in my year quit dancing after graduation, never believing themselves good enough to compete.
So many of our most painful obstacles have to do with our confidence level:
- Writer’s Block (lack of confidence that you have anything valuable to say)
- Intimacy Issues (lack of confidence that you’ll be understood or chosen)
- Money Issues (lack of confidence that you can or deserve to be able to support yourself)
- Body Issues (lack of confidence that we have a right to be who we are)
Personally, I believe that confidence is our natural state. Because, essentially, confidence is curiosity and passion for life.
Babies confidently, curiously explore the world. They’re excited to see what’s out there. They’re not worried they’re going to be rejected or say the wrong thing. Until they’re traumatized. And let’s face it, trauma happens to all of us at some point.
Trauma comes into the body like a gasp. And we hold it there, sometimes for decades, sometimes forever, a lump in our throats or our bellies or our sex organs, a heavy lead lid on our natural enthusiasm.
But we can clear those confidence blocks.
By showing up and being present in our bodies, we can loosen the grip of our trauma, letting the exuberance that is our birthright flow freely again.
If claiming your confidence sounds like something you’d like to try, come out to my next Ceremonial Breathwork — Claim Confidence session:
Thursday July 20th, 7:30 – 9:30pm — $40.
Using ceremony, ritual, and pranayama breathwork, this workshop will help you break through old programming, liberate stuck energy, increase relaxation, and stimulate the release of endorphins, generating insight, inspiration and healing.
When: Thursday July 20th, 7:30pm – 930:pm.
Where: West Adams, Los Angeles. Off the 10 near USC. Exact address will be give after RSVP.
Energy Exchange: $40.
If you have questions before you sign up, email me here.