Jupiter Enters Scorpio

Jupiter Enters Scorpio, Artwork by @for_ever_free, October 10 2017.

Sex, money, power, death, rebirth – Scorpio doesn’t f**k around. It’s the sign that likes to go all the way.

So what happens when Jupiter, planetary angel of excess and abundance, enters Scorpio’s velvet boudoir?

That’s right friends – prepare for things to get freaky deaky until next November. (The transit lasts from 10/10/17 – 11/8/18).

Scorpio isn’t interested in being polite. She’s the dominatrix of the Id, and of our collective unconscious; when she teams up with Jupiter, lover of spectacle and largess, we can expect our deepest desires and repressed fears to rise to the surface.

I’m talking both personally and in the culture at large.

Opportunities: Developing deeper intimacy with life and others, rooting out injustice, profound healing experiences.

Threats: Worst libidinous impulses may be expressed, transgression of boundaries, and painful exposure of old wounds.

Advice? Be courageous. Confront the shadow on both a personal and collective level. In Scorpio’s shadowlands, Jupiter will help us discover our hidden resources and heal us where it hurts most.

Doing a little journaling on what you’d like to focus on healing and revealing will help you utilize this aspect to maximum effect.