Eclipse In Leo

Eclipse In Leo, ©OracleofLosAngels, August 23 2017.

I’m already feeling how the eclipse blew open some of my blocks in unexpected ways. In fact, it’s helping me adjust some blocks I didn’t even know I had.

The eclipse fell in Leo, emphasizing breakthroughs in creativity, self realization, and personal integrity.

Yesterday we entered Virgo season, indicating we should shift our focus to the practical aspects of living. Now is the time to start integrating and assimilating some of the breakthroughs and unsettled energy triggered by our Leo eclipse.

We want to avoid the Virgo tendency to focus on problems and imperfections. Instead, we should aim to harness the STRENGTH of Virgo and find ways of bringing the lessons of the eclipse into our daily lives.

Now is the time to practice our TECHNIQUE.

Did you know that in Tarot, Virgo corresponds to the Hermit card? (The image you see here is the Hermit in the Elemental Tarot deck).

Whereas the energy of Leo (Strength card) is outwardly directed, the Virgin/Hermit asks us to turn inward. She brings with her a kind of stillness.

When we are able to quiet the constantly assessing Virgo mind, the mud settles, the rocks and the fish become clear. We are able to discern our next step with total conviction.