Workshop Description:
Writers and artists are usually all too familiar with the inner critic, the figure that appears when you’re trying to work, rolls its eyes, corrects your grammar and tells you that your work is a) pointless, b) messy, c) banal, d) has been done before, e) all of the above. Considering what a lowly creature our critic is, it’s amazing what a crack audience we are for its antics. The thing is, there’s another voice waiting to be heard. Your muse has been waiting for you to notice her. To connect with the singular vision that you alone can articulate. Through our obsessive, repetitive self-loathing, the critic becomes a real, albiet negative, entity. But our muse is valiant and she shall prevail! Muses are real, and the more you connect with them the more powerful they become. The muse has been called by different names in different cultures: the ally, Sarasvati, Mnemosyne, Thalia, Shakti, Shekina, Psyche, Sophia… Whatever her name, she’s waiting for you. Turn away from your hecklers and start to listening to the voice of divine inspiration.
Join Francesca Lia Block (Writer and Poet) and Amanda Yates Garcia (Art-Witch and Oracle) for this super hands-on workshop presenting techniques for calling in the muse, which you can utilize to activate your creativity and over come self-doubt whenever the need arises. You will be amazed how, when you take a step towards your muse, she’ll cross continents to meet you. Join us in this powerful work!
In this workshop you will:
- Create a personal definition of the muse
- Practice physical techniques for calling in your muse
- Identify your muse’s name
- Discuss how to work with your muse using tarot and astrology
- Utilize essential oils and other sensory tools to catalyze the muse in your daily life
- Identify means for recognizing your muse’s voice (not listening to imposters)
- Create a piece of written work inspired by your muse
- Receive constructive feedback on your work from a professional writer and an art-witch/spiritual advisor
- Complete a manifestation spell to bring the work you create out of the realm of the imagination and into the material world where it can flourish
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Temple of the Muse, Los Angeles (we’ll tell you where when you book your ticket).
How Much:
$150 at regular price
$125 if you purchase within 7 days of this post
$100 if you purchase within 7 days of this post AND bring a friend
Please note we have a limited number of sliding scale places available for those who are truly in need.
Amanda Yates Garcia, Oracle of Los Angeles
As bad ass witch, healer, artist, educator and Oracle of Los Angeles, Amanda Yates Garcia has been rocking the magical mystery scene of Los Angeles for over a decade. Drawing her strategies as much from critical theory, feminist theory, arts education and literary criticism as she does from the occult, Amanda uses magic to help the willing decolonize their minds, cast off their yolks and rise up in beauty and splendor. Her joy is to tear out authoritarian brainwashing by the root, preparing ground for the bloody rebirth of the imagination. In short, Amanda’s in the witch kitchen, baking fruit pies from the tree of knowledge, and she wants you all to have a piece. Victory to the Goddess!
Francesca Lia Block
Francesca Lia Block is the author of more than twenty-five books of fiction, non-fiction, short stories and poetry. She received the Spectrum award, the Phoenix award, the ALA Rainbow Award and the 2005 Margaret A. Edwards Lifetime Achievement Award, as well as other citations from the American Library Association to the New York Times Book Review, School Library Journal and Publisher’s Weekly.