Sonnets are ‘little songs’. In this workshop you will become a soniteer to your Muses by creating devotional objects to energize, celebrate, honor, and invoke their power. In Sonnets for the Muse, a new, day-long workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland (and Amanda’s first offering in the UK!), Rebecca Sharp & Amanda Yates Garcia will demonstrate […]
Many artists create themselves. We are born middle class, or broke. We don’t choose our nationality, our gender or our race. Even though I’m sure many folks I know would consider me New Age, I don’t believe we choose our parents in some pre-birth akashic social contract. We get dropped into life from the mysterious […]
The Tarot speaks through images, symbols and stories. By illuminating hidden patterns in your life, it offers possibilities for transformation. Find answers, cultivate personal empowerment, and identify unknown obstacles as well as untapped gifts by practicing this historic method of divination. The 2.5 hour introductory workshop will include: A short meditation to cultivate your intuition […]