January 2, 2017Blog, Tarot Tarot for 2017: X Wheel of Fortune Tarot for 2017 – X Wheel Of Fortune Was it fate that Donald Trump was elected president? Some of my friends say […]
December 27, 2016December 27, 2016Astrology, Blog, Events, Magic, Magical Praxis, Tarot, Workshops 29 Dec 2016 – Magical Praxis: Tarot Spells for the New Year Magical Praxis: Tarot Spells for the New Year will take place on Thursday the 29th at 7:30pm and is the workshop for […]
November 27, 2016Blog, Events, Magical Praxis, Workshops 11/28/16 Magical Praxis: Rituals of Healing and Talismans of Protection Dear Ones! I know this is going out super late, but it’s been a wild month and I’m still breathless, catching up. […]
October 21, 2016October 21, 2016About the Oracle, Blog, Featured, Magic Wrong Sign? Or, How I Became the Oracle – Part 3 So, if you’re just tuning in, I was describing my time in Amsterdam at 20 years old. Broke, friendless, in the freezing […]
October 10, 2016About the Oracle, Blog, Featured How I Became the Oracle of Los Angeles (part 2) In my last post, we left off in San Francisco. I was a 19-year-old stripper with a passion for dance, a prescription for […]
October 3, 2016October 3, 2016About the Oracle, Blog, Featured, Magic, Writing How I Became the Oracle of Los Angeles — (part 1) When I was 19 I had big dreams, but no idea what to do to accomplish them. My sense was that basically […]
September 30, 2016Blog, Magic, Relationships Simple Spell for the New Moon In Virgo Simple Spell for the New Moon in Libra Libra is the sign of relationships. For people who have Libra featured prominently in […]