August 23, 2017April 4, 2018Astrology, Magic, Spirituality, Tarot Eclipse In Leo I’m already feeling how the eclipse blew open some of my blocks in unexpected ways. In fact, it’s helping me adjust some […]
July 3, 2017July 3, 2017Blog, Events, Featured, Uncategorized, Workshops 7/20/17 Ceremonial Breathwork: Claim Confidence Workshop When I was an undergrad at dance school, most of the boy dancers would really claim their confidence. Many of the boys […]
July 2, 2017July 3, 2017Blog, Events, Featured, Magical Praxis, Tarot, Uncategorized, Workshops 7/31/17 – Magical Praxis: Trust Yourself (Divination 1 Workshop) You see a bunch of psychics and they all tell you you’ll get the thing you want and then… you don’t. Every […]
July 1, 2017July 3, 2017Blog, Events, Featured, Uncategorized, Workshops 8/12/17 – Business Basics for Healers and Creative Entrepreneurs – Workshop Why don’t those high school career aptitude tests have any option for professional witch? Do you: Love mythology, folk and fairy tales? […]