Tag: amanda yates garcia
XVI The Tower: Tarot Wisdom for Your Crisis
More than just telling your fortune, the tarot shows how universal principles work in the material world. Whenever you experience a […]
Power and Submission: The Emperor and The Hanged Man
When the Emperor pops up in a reading, or in your life, it can sometimes be signal of greatness. In my last […]
The Flowers of St. Francis
Not only is Roberto Rossellini’s 1950 film The Flowers of St. Francis just outrageously beautiful, not only does it have tons of […]
Powers vs. Beings
Our modern science acknowledges a Supreme Power, an Invisible Principle, but denies a Supreme Being, or Personal God. Logically the difference between the two might be questioned; for in this case, the Power and the Being are identical.
Why We Need Urban Shamans
Shamans and mystics are important because they are interpreters of microclimates within our communities. Shamans cultivate their own personal relationships with the divine, with the fundamental principles of life. Their ability to find meaning within the mysteries of the universe, rather than through sanctioned books and renowned figures, necessarily destabilizes authoritarian power structures.
Medium As Performer
“‘Modern Spiritualism’ had, after all, started in the United States when the Fox sisters discovered in March 1848 that the spirit of […]