Cleansing Bath

Cleansing Bath, Artwork by @kitchart on Instagram, “Beathing Underwater”, October 2017.


Call in your spirits and your guardians.

Light candles (white for clearing, green for heart mending, blue for healing, sun yellow to sooth the mind).

Burn sage or mugwort or cedar, or your clearing fumigant of choice.

Infuse a cup of warm coconut milk with a pinch of cinnamon and clove for protection and exorcism, a pinch of ginger for power, and a spoonful of honey for healing.

Hold the cup in your hands and visualize a place where you have felt safe, people who have made you feel safe, times in your life when you have sought out and returned to those safe spaces.

When you have the image clearly in your mind, breathe it into the infusion. Visualize the infusion glowing with this healing and protective energy. Visualize the energy of your favorite Goddess pouring forth from your breath.

Pour half of the infusion in the bath and drink the rest. (If you don’t have a bath, it’s also effective just to use this as an indrinking spell).

Feel free to add flowers and herbs to your bath as you see fit.

Allow yourself to dwell in this safe space.

Thank your spirits, and acknowledge your own powers of healing and resilience.