There are countless reasons you might need a Binding Spell:
- You have a meeting with your agent and you’re worried he’s going to drop you
- Your ex keeps texting you Bi Polar comments ranging from abuse, to declarations of love, to inquiries about the health of your cat
- Your co-worker consistently undermines you at meetings using passive aggressive language about how whimsical you are and how she wishes she could be more like you and let whatever she thinks just pop right out of her mouth
- Your neighbor keeps ashing on your lawn, yelling at his dog, and having Third Eye Blind parties until 3 o’clock in the morning
- The person who has been elected President of your country keeps casually instituting fascist policies while composing outraged Tweets about Snoop Dog
If any of the above sounds familiar, it sounds like you need a Binding Spell!
Some witches get nervous about the idea of Binding Spells. They feel like it’s a big no-no to use magic to impose your will on someone else.
But we all are constantly imposing our will on other people. That’s part of what it means to be a living organism.
If you’ve ever tried to get your partner to do the dishes when she hates doing them, tried to get Big Oil to stop building the DAPL when they LOVE building pipelines, or tried to get a grant when there are many other people who would prefer they received the grant instead of you then, congratulations!
You have imposed your will on other people.
Magic is a tool, just like a petition or a grant application. As witches, our aim should be to use our tools to create more beauty and love in the world, while making our own lives better in the process.
Enter Binding Spells.
As Marion Weinstein, Positive Magic guru of the early 80’s argues, using magic can help us: release all negative causes, effects, manifestations, forms and the essence of worry.
When done correctly, Binding Spells are about opening up the space for more free will in the world, not creating less.
If that sounds good to you and you want to find out how to do it, come on over this Monday evening for Magical Praxis: Binding Spells.
Learn how to:
- Distinguish between a Binding Spell and a Curse
- Identify when to use a Binding Spell
- Practice a Binding Spell for the good of the nation (if you voted Trump, you might want to give this Magical Praxis a miss)
- Create a Binding Spell of your very own
Spaces are limited so RSVP now.
When: Monday 27 March 2017, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Where: Magical Studio in West Adams (RSVP for more info)
Energy Exchange: $20
Click here to book your place now.