I want to hear from you! Get in touch! Ask me a question! As far as oracles go, I’m pretty friendly, so don’t hesitate to contact me. This is also a good place to connect if you want to find out more about any of my services, or if you’ve bought a service but still have questions. Looking forward to hearing from you!
If the form below doesn’t work as expected you can email me at: amanda [at] oracleoflosangeles.com
What services do you provide?
What should I do to prepare for our work together?
If we’re doing ceremonial work, I will usually tell you what you need to bring for the ceremony or spell. Some spells require that you do some prep work or gather some ingredients before you arrive. I will let you know what those things are, so don’t worry.
Generally, it’s good to bring things for the altar. Flowers, crystals you want charged, incense, offerings for the spirit. You’ll see. It feels good to bring these sorts of offerings. If it’s something precious to you, you certainly don’t need to leave it with me in the studio. You can bring it back to your home and set it up on your own altar.
Also, before any of our work together it’s always helpful to try and get in the habit of meditating for at the very least 5 minutes per day for at least a week. 5 minutes is not a lot, but it’s a great start. The point of our work together is that you start to connect to spirit deeply on your own. Basically, you have to meditate at least a little if you’re serious about this work.
What kinds of questions can I ask the tarot?
- Who should I see to…?
- Where should I go to…?
- Why is “x” …?
- How should I deal with…?
- What should I do to…?
You can ask about anything as long as it matters to you. In any case, the practice of considering what is most important to you right now is already going to be of benefit. Once we connect, I can help you further refine your question so that you get maximum results.
Are your spells guaranteed to work?
Why should I have to pay someone to do 'spiritual' work?
Where can I find out more about your show on KCHUNG?
The second session of the month is called the Oracle Hour – Astral Clinic. That’s the one where I, Amanda Yates Garcia, art witch extraordinaire, and Brooke Balliett, self-described art-bitch (and professional psychotherapist) get into the nitty gritty discussing all sorts of psychical problems and issues from how to know when to break up with your boyfriend, to what to do if you’re possessed by spirits, to how to launch your mystical rebirth. Obviously, you need to tune in for this stuff! Looking forward to seeing you there, at least on the astral plane.
Find out more on the Oracle Hour and Astral Clinic on the Facebook page!
Do you really believe in spirits?
Are you psychic? Are you a spirit medium? Are you clairvoyant? Will you predict my future?
In the other kinds of spirit work I do, spells, rites, ceremonies, trance work, etc., my focus is on personal empowerment and helping you gain clarity in the present moment. I often do get messages for people that certain spirits want delivered, but that isn’t my main focus. Most people who work in the spirit realms see things in flashes, symbols, and visions that are kind of like dreams. As you know, dreams are open to interpretation. We all filter the information we receive through our own specific lens. That’s why my focus is on trying to get you to connect to your OWN intuitive insight, because that’s what is going to be most meaningful for you.
But if you’re still looking for a straightforward answer to the questions above:
Am I psychic… I consider myself an intuitive. A psychic is someone who predicts the future. My interest is getting you to focus on finding your power in the present moment. I work with my spirit helpers to connect you with your power source, which does not exist in the future, but in the here and now.
Am I a spirit medium… While I do work with spirits of various forms, my main focus is not on contacting spirits of the departed. Some people specialize in that. I am not one of those people.
Am I clairvoyant… I see and sense energies and spirits and work with them for a variety of reasons, mostly in effort to promote health, healing, and balance in my clients. Some people use their connection with spirit to find lost objects, or predict what will happen, but that isn’t really my bag. I focus on building connections with the spirit realm in order to manifest your true will. To each their own.
Will I predict your future… Like I said above, with my divination techniques we can usually see what is likely to happen given the directional flow of energy in the present moment, but the future itself is not written. You can always change it. My work is to find active ways to bring about the future you want, not spinning it so that you can sit back and wait for my prediction to “happen to you.” Usually the cards tell you about the choices you are going to have to make and the actions you are going to need to take in order to bring about the best possible outcome.
I work hard to ensure a satisfying, meaningful experience for my clients. The fact that you have read this far indicates that there is something about this work that is attractive to you, probably for good reason. If you still have questions, feel free to contact me via the contact form above, or better yet, just try it out. The risk is pretty low, but my clients tell me the rewards are high. Hope to see you soon!