On this episode of Oracle Hour I sit down for a chat with Sarah Faith Gottessdiener: rock star witch, graphic designer, punk priestess, and creator of the outrageously popular Many Moons Workbook.
Here we discuss our go to tarot decks; the uses of struggle; tarot and the Strength Card; numerology; finding your right place; tarot and the body; using tarot for magic; using tarot to help you find things hidden in plain sight; making magic non-binary; the pros and cons of using the internet for magical purposes; grad school rules and the need for other witches while you’re there; success in the witch biz; recovering from criticism; Inanna and the ancient feminine; Hekate; Goddesses of the Underworld and MORE.
Good times. You need to check this episode out.
Sarah is brilliant and so fun to talk to. She’ll inspire all you witches out there! I know she inspired me.
But, okay, I have to admit there are a few technical difficulties in this episode. It’s recorded at KCHUNG which is an artist run radio station and VERY DIY. At the beginning of the episode my voice is pretty low (though you can still hear it), all that clears up after the song (around 24 minutes in) so be patient. I know you’re dedicated. THANK YOU!