Magical Praxis: Tarot Spells for the New Year will take place on Thursday the 29th at 7:30pm and is the workshop for you if you want to:
- focus on professional and financial success this year
- establish better structures in your life to support your intended achievements
- create a spell using the tarot
- learn more about how Jupiter and Saturn may affect you in the coming year
- make 2017 the year of taking responsibility for creating the life you want for yourself
You’re more likely to take action to get what you want if you set aside time to focus on the obstacles and opportunities on your path.
Rituals help us step outside ordinary reality, acting as a cauldron within which we can focus our energy.
With their candlelight, incantations and incense, rituals help us set up a boundary and create sacred space, providing us an opportunity to concentrate. Rituals focus our awareness, and with that focus we create magic.
Magical Praxis: Tarot Spells for the New Year will be taking place on the eve of the New Moon in Capricorn. The New Moon is the perfect time to clear away obstacles and set intentions for growth.
Capricorn moon events are especially ideal when practicing magic for things you’d like to achieve, things you’d like to master, and things for which you’d like to garner recognition in the coming year.
Magic is a technique for harnessing our will to encourage reality to work in concert with our desires. The tarot is an egrigore: a spirit that is created when people all over the world perform the same act many times with similar intentions. So for instance, when people say a certain prayer, or even the pledge of allegiance (for better or for worse), they create a powerful resonance that they can use as a framework their magic.
Created and developed over centuries, the tarot helps us cultivate wisdom and practice divination – in essence, it is the perfect tool for magic. During this workshop we will be creating a tarot spell to manifest our intentions, and you will also receive instruction on how to build a tarot altar at home.
Because the images in tarot cards have been used so many times, and often draw from images/philosophies that are in fact quite ancient, they can help us focus our intentions and align our will with powerful forces beyond our own selves.
Part of our work will also be writing a letter to our future self describing what we intend to happen in 2017. No one has more incentive to help us than our own future selves. On Thursday night we will connect with that self so that she can offer her guidance, her warnings or regrets; hindsight is 20/20 vision – so when we contact our future selves we get a lot of benefit.
Habit is powerful magic. During MP: Tarot Spells we’ll also be learning and practicing magical techniques for overcoming bad habits and creating better ones. By being part of this group, you will have built-in partners for accountability in reworking your habits throughout the year.
Finally, during this workshop we’ll also work astrologically. We’ll look at your Saturn and Jupiter to figure out where your best opportunities for growth will be this year as well as the best places to focus and practice discipline.
You will need to bring:
- some ideas about what you’d like to focus on during 2017 – habits you’d like to cultivate and/or let go of
- tarot cards, if you have them (if not, no worries, there will be some for you to use)
- a scarf or some pretty thing to lay the cards upon
- crystals and magical objects you’d like to include in your spell
- a print out of your astrological chart (when you RSVP I will show you how to get this if you don’t already know).
Class starts at 7:30pm. RSVP now to make sure you get a spot. Space is limited. Energy exchange for the event $20.
If your you’re not in LA, don’t worry! I’ll be including some of this work in my upcoming online class, POWERMAGICK. More info on that soon.
Lots of love and happy New Year!