You’re invited: ‘Strange Magic’ becomes BETWEEN THE WORLDS
Strange Magic is Changing - We are becoming BETWEEN THE WORLDS… If you've been listening to my podcast, Strange Magic, you might be aware that […]
Strange Magic is Changing - We are becoming BETWEEN THE WORLDS… If you've been listening to my podcast, Strange Magic, you might be aware that […]
This Full Moon Ceremony we will be: doing some energy work to help us ground and restore; talking about the relationship between personal creativity (Leo) and collective action (Aquarius); and celebrating the holiday of Lughnasadh (First Fruits) together.
By popular request, our next Between the Worlds workshop is Candle Magic. Candles make a moment sacred, that’s why they’re used in […]
This Full Moon Ritual we will be: focusing on the Piscean practice of water scrying, connecting to our intuition, and discussing the relationship between creative, boundless Pisces and focused, precise Virgo.
This Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus Season is known as the Pink Moon. Scorpio rules the 8th house, the home of intimacy, […]
Sonnets are ‘little songs’. In this workshop you will write a sonnet as a devotional object to your muse. Together we will […]